Zoe Louise Bowen Therapy Stroud Gloucestershire offers effective pain management

effective pain management

Your body naturally re-adjusts its self so that you do not consciously feel pain, for instance limping whilst walking on a sore limb. A case such as this can have drastic long term effects and reveal its self many years later, for example in a sore shoulder on the opposite side. When viewed separately they seem to be two completely unrelated symptoms. Many therapies treat the symptoms and not the cause.

Bowen therapy treats the body as a whole, without referral to named disease. The treatment does not set out to treat specific conditions or ailments, instead initiates the body to treat its self, so do not be alarmed if during a treatment a part of the body that is not directly affected is being treated.

Pain is simply your brain’s way of telling you that there is something wrong, that something needs addressing or fixing in your body. However, once pain is involved it is often too late and fixing the issue will take time. There are quick fixes such as prescription medication and massage, but without treating the historical trauma you will find yourself reaching for the medication once again in the not too distant future.

In the long term Bowen therapy sessions will reduce your intake of prescription medication. As Bowen therapy reduces the pain, you will find yourself less reliant on the need for pain killers, and get back to being the all natural you.

case study

Knee & Upper Back Problems

Female: 42 - 4 treatments

C. is a practising masseuse who stands for long periods and develops a lot of tension in her back. Her upper back and shoulders were very tight. Also both knees and ankles were giving her trouble. After the first treatment her back loosened. Her knees and ankles were improving after the second treatment. After the first couple of treatments C. told the therapist that she had also been suffering from heavy and painful periods since the birth of her daughter nearly 10 years earlier. The therapist therefore gave her a procedure to address this and C. reported a tremendous change for the better in the next period with reduction of the pain and heaviness.

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Bowen therapy gently treats your condition as opposed to many common techniques such as visiting a Chiropractor, that can use heavy manipulation. So if you do not like the thought of being pushed and pulled about then Bowen therapy could be the perfect treatment for you.

The Bowen technique can work along side other effective techniques like Chiropractic, Osteopathy or Physiotherapy.

Zoe Louise is located within the 5 Valleys Physio Therapy Clinic, and therefore has close links with other industry professionals to offer your body ‘the total package’ and refer specific conditions.

The Bowen technique is ideal for those that are frail as Bowen helps the body to help its self it is a non invasive treatment that will not result in bruises and can be carried out with light clothing left on.

Bowen therapy treats the body as a whole, without referral to named disease. A Bowen therapists will take your case history, but the treatment does not set out to treat specific conditions or ailments, so do not be alarmed if during a treatment a part of the body that is not directly affected is being treated.

Bowen therapy should be used as a preemptive measure, to treat general issues before they become a problem. You will find that you will have less injuries, less pain and less illness as regular Bowen sessions help to keep your body in tune with its own health needs and looking after its self.

Issues are often resolved quickly in relative terms. Although it is recommended a minimum of 3 sessions each with a minimum of a week apart, dramatic improvements can be see after the first appointment.

Long term savings can be found in reduced visits to your General Practitioner and hospital.

More and more physiotherapists and doctors are incorporating the Bowen technique into their working lives as an excellent additional tool for addressing dysfunction.

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knee pain can be treated by Zoe Louise Bowen Therapy

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