World Champion Motorbike Racer James Ellison Claims Bowen Therapy Has Changed His Life
August 25, 2016
James Ellison holds the titles for current British Superbike Racer, one time British Champion, two times European Champion and one time World Champion.
As an avid user of Bowen Therapy, James Ellison has submitted an inspiring testimonial explaining how he relies on the Bowen Technique to stay sharp for his career and claims how it has been a life changing experience for him.
James Ellison was introduced to Bowen Therapy in his local gym in his hometown of Kendal in Cumbria. At the age of 34 and after several motorcycle accidents (some at over 180 MPH), James admits regrets about not trying Bowen Therapy sooner!
As a professional motorcycle racer James’ body goes through an extreme amount of stress on the race track as well as working on his fitness in the gym for hours at a time in preparation for upcoming races.
On one particular occasion, James was training at the gym when he found himself suffering from severe lower back pain due to a trapped nerve that had flared up.
Noticing James’ distress, the gym owner offered James some assistance to relieve the pain. It was at this point when James was introduced to Bowen Therapy as the gym owner was actually a qualified Bowen Therapist and began to practice Bowen Therapy on him. After the first Bowen Therapy session, James could not believe how good he felt! Not just in that specific lower back area, but all his “niggling pains seemed to have subsided considerably” as a result of Bowen Therapy.

James was extremely pleased with the result of his first Bowen Therapy session and continued receiving Bowen Therapy thereafter. As explained in his testimonial, James has had numerous physiotherapy treatments including deep tissue, Pressure Point, Acupuncture and a lot of painkillers; none of which seem to have any immediate relief or long term benefits.
A final note from James’ excellent testimonial on Bowen Therapy:
“I have never felt so good and will continue to recommend it to anyone looking for pain relief or even just wanting to improve their quality of life. We need to all spread the word, this technique really is life changing!”
This article has been taken from BPTA, please follow link for more details: www.bowenbtpa.wordpress.com
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