about bowen therapy
The Bowen Technique is a gentle hands-on therapy that prompts the body to reset, repair, balance and realign itself. The Bowen move is very distinctive and is designed to stimulate the tissue and nerve pathways, creating a focus for the brain. It can be used as a great way to manage any sort of pain the body has.

what is the bowen technique?
The Bowen Technique was developed in the 1950s by, the Australian, Tom Bowen. It is a gentle hands-on myofascial release technique that prompts the body to reset, repair, balance and realign itself to how it naturally should be. A lot of rehabilitation methods force the body to accept treatment, the Bowen Technique helps your body to help itself, at its own pace.

when do I need bowen?
The human body was not designed to sit at a desk for 8 hours a day. Bowen Therapy is like a regular service for your body, putting right all the unnatural stresses and strains of modern life. A good analogy is that if you know that the cam belt on your car needs replacing you would do it before it wrecks the whole engine. Your body is exactly the same but far more precious.

what should I expect?
Bowen Therapy is different to massage, as it does not use hard pressure and there is no awkward manipulation. The practitioner uses gentle pressure of the thumbs and fingers to perform a unique series of rolling movements that stimulate the muscles and soft tissue. It can be performed through light clothing, it is a subtle, relaxing and non-invasive treatment. A treatment session takes approximately 45 minutes, during which there are short breaks allowing the body to rest and respond. A course of three treatments at weekly intervals is wholly recommended.
bowen aftercare
There are several things that you should prepare yourself for after a session of Bowen to help your body reset its self and for the treatment to become effective.